Oh hey there! What, your kids are bored too?
How about an in-car, family-friendly scavenger hunt?

If you live in Winston-Salem, NC, you’re in luck. Check out our #WSNC Family-Friendly Scavenger Hunt, a safe way to keep the kids entertained and most importantly, OUT OF THE HOUSE.

Make an event of it and pack a picnic! Hint: Don’t forget to bring masks, hand sanitizer, a picnic blanket, bug spray and any other essentials.
Or, as a reward for finding all the items, drive through Krispy Kreme and treat yourself to our favorite hometown doughnuts!
Have fun, and be safe friends!
Download Here: https://www.backporchbliss.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/wsnc-scavenger-hunt_bpb.pdf