The first time I used a lotion bar, I was puzzled. What was this solid lotion weirdness?? Truth: I haven’t bought body lotion in six years.

Once I learned what was in the lotion bars– and more importantly, what WASN’T in them– I made the switch for good. The recipe is four simple ingredients I buy in bulk, plus essential oils.
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I make a batch about twice a year. I keep them in the fridge in a mason jar in my DIY beauty products section of the refrigerator. You don’t have one of those? Oh, we can totally fix that.
Before you know it, you’ll be making lip balms, bath bombs, foaming hand soap, and who knows what else.
Let’s Get Started!
Over the years, I’ve tried many different variations and ingredients and have perfected my favorite recipe. The key ingredient is– wait for it– mango butter.

There are a number of natural butters, but this one has become my go-to. Mango butter is light enough for summer and nourishing enough for winter. It’s silky and has no odor, so the essential oils you choose will really shine through.
Cocoa butter is another favorite, but it has a distinct smell. I prefer using it in certain lip balm recipes and have a whipped body butter it works great in, but again, if you don’t want the chocolatey decadence, go with the mango butter. Shea butter is also a terrific, healing butter, and would work fine in this recipe.

First measure your ingredients– beeswax, jojoba oil, coconut oil and mango butter— and scoop into a glass, wide-mouth mason jar.

Make a double boiler using a small pot with a water in the bottom. Add just enough water to sit the jar into the pot without it leaking out over the top. Turn on medium heat, the water will begin to boil and you’ll see your ingredients begin to melt. Constantly stir using a silicone spoon.

When everything is melted, carefully remove the jar from the pot using an oven mitt, add in your essential oil(s) and mix well. Lavender is light, soothing and great for your skin– it’s a great choice for lotion bars. Be sure to find a reputable brand you trust and understand sourcing and standards– I use Young Living.
Pour into your molds and allow to cool. Once solidified, place in the fridge overnight. The next day you can remove from the molds.

Kids love to be in charge of this part– they pop out of the molds so easy. Place in the jar, top with a lid and store in the fridge. I take out one at a time and leave it in a dish in the bathroom.

These also make a wonderful gift– in a small mason jar with a gift tag, or with other goodies in a gift basket.

Homemade Lotion Bars
- Total Time: 0 hours
- 1 cup beeswax pellets
- 1 cup coconut oil
- ½ cup mango butter
- ½ cup jojoba oil
- 25 drops of essential oil, I use Young Living lavender
- Add all ingredients to a wide mouth mason jar and place in a pot as a double boiler.
- Stir frequently until completely melted.
- Remove from heat, add EO’s and stir.
- Pour into silicone molds and cool.
- Store in a mason jar in the fridge.
- Prep Time: 0 hours
- Cook Time: 0 hours
Enjoy these homemade spa-quality lotion bars. If you make these, share with me on Instagram, I’d love to see your creations!